Edina Public Schools adheres to academic standards set by the Minnesota Department of Education. These are a blend of Common Core and state-developed standards. Click on curriculum areas for more information on specific academic standards.
- Arts
- English Language Arts
- Body Development (Gr. 4-5)
- Health & Phy Ed
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
Elementary art students come to art weekly and have the opportunity to explore different materials and techniques while learning about a variety of different artists from around the world and throughout time.
Elementary artists learn about the value of the artistic process as well as the grit it takes to make original ideas happen. Students have a variety of experiences from direct instruction, group work, to independent ideation and self directed projects. All elementary students will work with a variety of art media throughout their time in K-5th grade.
- Drawing
- Painting
- Printmaking
- Ceramics
- Graphic Design
- Weaving
- Textiles
- Sculpture
- Embossing
- Collage
- Assemblage
Our curriculum follows both the Minnesota and National Visual Arts Standards, linked below.
English Language Arts
English language arts (ELA) are all of the communication and language skills and processes people use every day to receive and send information. We receive information through listening, viewing, and reading, and we send information through writing, speaking, facial expression, body language, and auditory and visual representations. We use language to learn, to question, to share feelings, to help others, to be part of civilization. The ability to use and understand language, both spoken and written, is critical to every aspect of students’ lives.
Students learn and apply knowledge of the English language by gathering, comprehending, evaluating, synthesizing, and reporting information and ideas, by conducting original research in order to answer questions and solve problems, and by analyzing and creating a range of print and non-print texts in old and new media. They also explore the literature of several cultures and historical periods and create their own literature, learning how purpose, audience and cultural perspective impact one’s use of language along the way.
(Source: Minnesota Department of Education - English Language Arts, Standard, Curriculum and Instruction)
- Standards for Reading
- Standards for Writing
- Standards for Speaking, Listening & Media Literacy
- Standards for Language
- Cursive Writing
For more information, view the Minnesota Department of Education, Academic Standards English Language Arts curriculum page.
Body Development (Gr. 4-5)
Curriculum for fourth and fifth grade students includes a health unit on the changes that take place in the human body during puberty. The puberty unit (Gr. 4) and body development unit (Gr. 5) teach age-appropriate facts about puberty in a gentle, supportive environment. The curriculum uses a program produced by Human Relations Media Center called The Puberty Workshop and Curriculum. This video and print series teaches the basics of human development through a question and answer format featuring young people, as well as doctors.
Parents of students in grades 4 and 5 will receive a letter from their school principal several months in advance of the health units, that include links to the videos if they wish to view them.
Health & Phy Ed
The Minnesota Department of Education adopted the National Standards for Physical Education, developed by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education. These standards were adopted by state schools in 2012. In addition, each school district is required to have developed local standards for health education.
The Minnesota Academic Standards in Mathematics set the expectations for achievement in mathematics for K-12 students in Minnesota. This document is grounded in the belief that all students can and should be mathematically proficient. All students should learn important mathematical concepts, skills, and relationships with understanding. The standards presented here describe a connected body of mathematical knowledge that is acquired through the processes of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation. The standards are placed at the grade level where mastery is expected with the recognition that intentional experiences at earlier grades are required to facilitate learning and mastery for other grade levels.
The Minnesota Academic Standards in Mathematics are organized by grade level into four content strands: 1) Number and Operation, 2) Algebra, 3) Geometry and Measurement, and 4) Data Analysis and Probability. Each strand has one or more standards.
(Source: Minnesota Department of Education - Mathematics Academic Standards)
Edina Public Schools has adopted Math in Focus for K-5 using a two year implementation process. The adoption was a result of a district wide Design Committee recommendation. The implementation began in 17-18 school year, for all schools except Normandale. At Normandale, we are phasing in Primary Mathematics in French. Both of these programs are based on Singapore Mathematics. The primary goal of Singapore Mathematics is to develop strategic mathematical problem solvers. The program has a strong focus on number sense and an increased emphasis on algebraic thinking.
For more information, visit Minnesota Department of Education.
The Minnesota Department of Education uses the diagram below to describe the four content “strands” and “substrands” within each area of content. For each substrand, there are academic standards identifying the academic knowledge to be achieved.
“The standards … describe a connected body of science and engineering knowledge acquired through active participation in science experiences. These experiences include hands-on laboratory activities rooted in scientific inquiry and engineering design. The standards are placed at the grade level where mastery is expected with recognition that a progression of learning experiences in earlier grades builds the foundation for mastery later on.”
(Source: Minnesota Department of Education - Academic Standards Science K-12)
For more information, view the Minnesota Department of Education Academic Standards Science K-12 curriculum page.
Social Studies
“Social Studies is the interdisciplinary study of citizenship and government, economics, geography, history, and other disciplines in the social sciences and humanities in which students develop the content knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to be informed and engaged citizens in the contemporary world. According to the National Council for the Social Studies, the purpose of social studies is to develop civic competence and ‘help young people make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.’ “
(Source: Minnesota Department of Education - Standards, Curriculum and Instruction/Social Studies)
The state uses the diagram below to show the four primary disciplines in social studies curriculum, the substrands of study within each, and the learning skills students will use in the course of their studies.
For more information, view the Minnesota Department of Education Academic Standards Social Studies K-12 curriculum page.